Letters of Recommendation Support

Writing Services

A strong Letter of Recommendation (LOR) can significantly impact your dental school application. It provides admissions committees with a professional perspective on your skills, accomplishments, and suitability for their program. At Caapid Simplified, we guide you through selecting the right referees and crafting compelling LORs that stand out. 

  • This includes crafting personalized Letters of Recommendation (LoRs).
  • You will be required to answer a questionnaire for each LoR you require.
  • The draft would then be carefully edited and/or rewritten as required.
  • The Coach would address any other queries/minor iterations (if needed)
Package Price
1 LOR $160
2 LORs $320
3 LORs $450
4 LORs $600

Note : Please select the number of LORs you require.

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