Your Comprehensive Companion - CAAPIDEDIA

Say goodbye to the feeling of drowning in details and embrace clarity. Join us on this CAAPID expedition – where knowledge meets guidance, and your success story begins. Dive in without hesitation, CAAPIDEDIA is here to steer you through the waves of uncertainty!

Your indispensable resource for a seamless transition, all at no cost!
caapid application help

Getting Started

You know you want to become a dentist in the US. So how and where do you get started? At the very beginning, of course, commencing from getting your dental college transcripts evaluated and all the way to taking those qualifier examinations. Here are our comprehensive guides to each of these checkpoints.


Why should I get my degrees evaluated? Which of the two evaluators should I choose – ECE or WES? Should my Canadian degree be evaluated? Find answers to such common confusions, and many more, all in one place – read our blogs, watch our videos, and listen to our webinars.


Frankly, this is where it all actually begins. Where you get a taste of the American grading systems, exam patterns, evaluation methods. Right from a test-taker’s prep guide to her nerves before the results were announced, understand and be prepared for what INBDE entails.


The million-dollar question! Er, not really – a few-hundred-dollar question – from debating on the necessity of taking ADAT, to tips for your test day, get all answers at your fingertips, through a single click.


If UCLA and CU are on your priority list, CASPer is definitely on your to-do list. All you need to know about CASPer, right here.


Profile Building

And now comes the tricky part. There are guidebooks to ADAT and INBDE, Dos and DONTs for TOEFL and CASPER, but can anyone really encapsulate the ‘IDEAL’ applicant profile? No, for there is no such thing as an ideal profile; however, we can attempt to develop a dynamic and versatile one. But how? That is precisely what we shall help you realize and build, in this section.


Written Application

This is totally our cup of tea. And totally the despair for many others. But not anymore. With the help of these thorough blogs and detailed videos, you can easily try your hand at crafting your own documents.


School Shortlisting

Your tests are done, you know how to improve your profile, and all your documents are in place! Yay, you are half-way through. What next? Apply! Since not everyone will have access to unlimited funds, what do we do instead? Identify those schools that fit you, your aspirations, and also, your budget? And this section addresses that precise question.


Bench Preparation

Bench Preps cannot be an eleventh-hour preparation. They require detailed planning and meticulous practice. And a considerable investment of resources. So here in this section, we are offering our best possible help with the nitty-gritties of Bench Test requirements and information.



Interviews should be easy, right? For all you need to do is speak - about yourself and those certain things that matter to you. Yes, interviews should be easy - provided you are prepared. That’s what this section is going to help you be. Prepared.

Types of Interviews

Coming Soon

Schools may employ one of 5 types of interviews. What are they? In fact, why are there so many types?

Types of Interview Questions

Coming Soon

All the knowledge we have gleaned, having coached numerous applicants in the last 3+ years. All here, all for you.

School specific interviews

Does UPenn have a closed file interview? Will Loma Linda grill you on clinical scenarios or rely more on behavioral interviewing? We may have the precise answers you are seeking!


Post Admission

Yay! Interviews and Bench cleared, and that much-anticipated acceptance mail is in your inbox. You are halfway there. Yes, only halfway, for there are more hurdles to cross. And more research to be done!


Job Opportunity

And isn't that what we all aspire to, at the end of the day? A fulfilling career that is more than just a job. Check out our experts’ opinions on a wide range of avenues that beckon you.

Dental Licensure

Coming Soon

Obviously, the first step toward any job prospect. Find out more about the whats and hows of obtaining a license so you can be officially a dentist, well, again.

Private Practice

Coming Soon

The most common and prevalent way forward. How remunerative is it? And how to procure a stable one while also ensuring a steep learning curve and career growth?


Corporates like Aspen Dental are everywhere. Should you choose them instead of your next-door dentist whom you shadowed? Or does your social conscience beckon you? DSOs might be your better choice.

Federally Qualified Health Centres

Coming Soon

If you want your skills to impact the masses, maybe this one is for you.


Coming Soon

Some of you want to light the way forward for other aspirants as well. Ideal choice for anyone with a combined love for teaching, research, and clinical.